Thursday, March 20, 2008


after a very tough week, and still not breaking the 240's yet (my singular mission for this week), I did manage to lose 1.8 more pounds to total 30.6.

I've been especially tough the last two days exercising as well, yesterday a swam a mile and today did a 5k run, first time running in a long time. of course it was a staggered run/walk, but I did manage to run at least half of it so I was actually proud of myself. Hopefully I can break into the 230's soon and move psychologically.

But on the positive side, I've so far lost over one Lily, about 1/2 a Hurley (yellow lab), or a 1/3 Loki (black lab). That's cool.

oh oh, ne last thing for you Adam. After my swim yesterday, I indeed hit the sauna. And today I had almost lost 2lbs, you might be on to something.

1 comment:

Adam said...

That's a little over 1/1000th of a MINI. Or the back seats and jack of a MINI.

Now you're starting to see the real benefits of the sauna - not just to keep warm. It's about time.