Thursday, March 6, 2008


Weighed in today at WW, and I am now at a total loss of 26.6 pounds. The "10%" milestone is just 0.7 pounds away, and obviously the 30 pound milestone is just 3.5 away. So all in all, it's going great. May I also say that this week was torture because the office was filled with girl scout cookies. I had even ordered some before I started this whole adventure. In total, 1 had only 2 thin mints, one on Saturday and one yesterday! I had to give away most of the boxes I ordered, it was the only way. still being in the 20's pound range of loss, I get frustrated. I know I know, it's a lot, but still. Funny enough, WW was giving these sheets to put your weight loss in perspective. At 25 pounds, I've lost the weight of 3 gallons of milk. I can't imagine moving around my daily life with that, when I get to my goal it'll be 9 gallons of milk!!!!!

Tracy, to answer your question from the last post I weigh in at the meetings, but I don't stay around for the lecture. I know the system, and am pretty self motivated right now, so I wouldn't really get anything out of staying. The big big deal for me is standing on the scale in front of someone who has my book and knows how much i weighed the week before. I'd be embarrassed to gain weight, and the accountability is the part that was lacking for me before.

1 comment:

Adam said...

Gave away GS cookies! Just think if you had all that milk to go with the cookies.....