Thursday, April 3, 2008

Tight jeans never fit so good

Last night I tried on a pair of shorts that had not fit for a long while, and guess what, they fit. Same with a pair of jeans this morning. Now they don't fit perfectly, but they DO FIT imperfectly, and it wasn't too long ago when they didn't fit at all. And of course the way I look at it, every day that passes they fit better.

I weigh in again tonight at WW, and I'll update you all on the results. I expect just a few pounds this week, not like the 5.6 from last week. But either way, I'm passing up the 230's pretty darn fast. I was 230.8 this morning on the home scale (a few extra lbs tonight at WW), which means that in the next few days I should see that scale start reading 22x.x, wow. I had almost given up on ever seeing those numbers again, I'm just so happy.

My workout routine is getting better too, my endurance is much much better. My mile swims are going by much faster and I don't stop for breaks either. Running is easier and my recent trip back to the gym on the elliptical was a lot easier than I remember it. Life is just good on this front.

The last few weeks have seen some great milestones for me. I've passed the 10% weight loss mark, passed 30lbs and next week I expect to be at 40lbs lost. I broke the 240's, have torn through the 230's and hopefully soon will be in the 220's. I am also below that 235 mark that had been my previous heaviest weight. So what's my new goal?

222. Why? Cause that'll mark the 50lb loss mark. Also my next goal after that will be to be in the teens and that's pretty easy sitting at 222! ;-) I will post before/after pics when I get to 50. Thanks to everyone for their support and encouragement, I quite seriously couldn't do it without you!


Adam said...

wow - so impressive!

I can't wait to see the pics. Do you snore less now?

Tracy said...

222 is a cool number ;)