Thursday, February 28, 2008

What does my plan consist of

One of my faithful readers, perhaps the only one, asked what my plan consisted of. Well, lets just say the weather is nothing like that of MN, so my routine has to be a bit different. ;-) Actually, given the fact that I can do nothing until the little one is in bed, my exercise time isn't until after 8pm. But my gym is right down the hall in my building.

That's a good thing when you're trying hard to lose weight, a very bad thing when you're lazy and trying to find excuses not to go. But either way, while at the gym I've been focusing most of my time on the elliptical machine. I do that because at this weight I still don't want to overburden my knees which already have a history of torn cartilage. And now that I look back on it, what a smart move. If I were to start running again today, as opposed to when I first started the diet 6 weeks ago, I would be starting with 20 less pounds on me. I'd like to lose another 30 before I run.

When I do run, there is a nice path right along the bay that starts just a few blocks from home. It's a 5k circuit, and you can easily make it 10k if you go into Harbor Island. I'm usually ok with 5k though. Either way, it's flat, breezy, and pretty and has the necessary distance.

For now though, the elliptical is fine as the weight keeps coming off. I weigh in tonight but as of last week I passed the 20lb mark. YES! i have also started working on some abdominal stuff, but just a little bit after 45 minutes on the machine. Try to round it out to a 1 hour workout. It's taken this long to have the endurance back for that, i was really out of shape.

Again, number one focus is losing weight right now, i'll tone it up later.


Adam said...

Nice - thanks for that routine. and don't let me catch you making excuses to not walk down the hall - or I'll not let you drive the MINI later!

a little bit you have to be jealous that you can't pull logs through the snow ala Rocky Balboa....

Tracy said...

I am good at making excuses, too. But you have lost over 20 pounds already - so clearly your willpower is winning over on excuses!

You are motivating me to lose the 15 pounds I wish to lose, Eddy!

Also - when you reach your goal, I want to see before and after pics on this blog! :)


PS - Charlotte says "hewwo" to Lily!